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Whats a class like????
I just wanted to share a little bit of Zooms AI version of what a private class is like. We played a game where Lewis was only allowed to...
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Don't let the improv parade pass you by!
Hey everyone! I wanted to share one of the games we played last night in Monday’s class. I assigned Paul and Jo-Jo to be hosts of a...
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Play games on Thanksgiving!
So, I know a lot of you love playing games on Thanksgiving, and I've got a great one for you. It's an improv game called "Party" that you...
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Thanksgiving Improv
Three days before Thanksgiving, so of course, we had to play Thanksgiving-themed improv games! We had a blast. One of our games was a...
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AI's version of a private improv class!
I sometimes like to use the AI companion on Zoom to summarize a class and this is one I did recently for a private Zoom improv class, My...
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Spooky improv Halloween!!
Happy Halloween! Okay, it's a day late, but I was enjoying the day. We had a hell of a Halloween class Wednesday night. Everyone came in...
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What the heck do you do in an improv class?
Well, I'm sure glad you asked that important question! You are very smart! That's the whole reason I decided to have a blog on my site....
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