Hey everyone!
I wanted to share one of the games we played last night in Monday’s class. I assigned Paul and Jo-Jo to be hosts of a Thanksgiving Day parade, describing the floats as they went by. They started out with what you'd expect, but then I threw some unusual types of floats into the chat, and they had to instantly start talking about those. Let's just say they were a little unexpected!
We had floats made of muddy boots, used tissues, bloody fingers, rotten eggs, and my favorite: Mickey and Minnie Mouse doing something in public they definitely shouldn't be doing. Paul and Jo-Jo did a fantastic job making sense of the craziness, even coming up with sponsors for each float. For instance, the bloody fingers float was sponsored by a Medical Association. It was hilarious to watch them think on their feet and come up with justifications that made sense for the weirdness.
If this sounds like fun to you, don't let the parade pass you by! Stop in for one of our classes. We meet Mondays at 5:00 PM, Wednesdays at 7:30 PM, and starting in January, Saturdays at 12:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.
